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 on: December 12, 2018, 08:21:39 AM 
Started by knarf - Last post by knarf
I have a table in a pdf file. One cell is empty
Does Ivy skip empty cells ?
Can that be prevented ?
When I go right from the first to the second cell, it goes to the third cell and skips the second.
I tested the Template editor and in c#

 on: December 11, 2018, 10:18:46 AM 
Started by knarf - Last post by admin
Hello knarf,

IvyDocumentReader is located in IvyDocumentReader.dll. Please reference it in your project in addition to IvyPdf.dll.

There are 3 dlls in IvyPdf folder. You need to reference some or all of them, depending on your needs:

IvyDocumentReader.dll - contains methods to read PDF files into IvyDocument object (collection of text Tokens and Lines)
IvyPdf.dll - contains methods to parse IvyDocument, search and extract information
IvyTemplateLib.dll - contains methods to read/write/execute extraction templates created via IvyTemplateEditor

For your sample code you need to reference the first two dlls.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you still have troubles.

 on: December 11, 2018, 08:06:42 AM 
Started by knarf - Last post by knarf

I added the dll as a reference to the solution.
This is on top of my code: using IvyPdf;

This line:
PdfParser p = new PdfParser(IvyDocumentReader.ReadPdf(MyFileName));

IvyDocumentReader does not exist......

 on: September 17, 2018, 11:39:57 AM 
Started by admin - Last post by admin
New in Version 1.46:
- Fixed bug that prevented Ivy to run on some machines without admin rights
+ Added set of pattern (wildcard) matching functions. FindPattern, FilterTextPattern and so on
+ Added set of extension methods: ContainsColumns, SelectColumnsAs and many methods based on pattern matching (SelectColumnsPattern, DeleteColumnsPattern and so on)

 on: September 04, 2018, 02:33:11 PM 
Started by admin - Last post by admin
New in Version 1.45:
+ Added support for parsing Excel and CSV files via full-featured DataSetParser and UI preview
+ Added support for parsing text/html files
+ TemplateBase code is now exposed in the Code Modules list, enabling further customization
+ Added “Parse()” table extension method

 on: May 10, 2018, 05:10:14 PM 
Started by admin - Last post by admin
This release mostly concentrates on bug fixes and performance improvements:

- Fixed issue with template deletion
- Fixed issue with apostrophes in code
- Fixed issue with ReplaceText function
+ Code optimizations and performance improvements (particularly for Table/Grid operations)


 on: April 13, 2018, 03:25:21 PM 
Started by Antony - Last post by admin
Hi Antony,

It can be done in the latest release:

Code: [Select]
IvyOptions.ToDateFormatMonthFirst = true;
If you are using IvyTemplateEditor it can be set on the template level (Template Settings / Template Custom Code):

Code: [Select]
protected override void Init()
    IvyOptions.TableCellType = TableCellType.String;
    IvyOptions.ToNumberCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
    IvyOptions.ToDateFormatMonthFirst = true;

Ivy Team

 on: April 13, 2018, 03:09:56 PM 
Started by admin - Last post by admin
Features in the new release:

+ Improved token layout logic that affects how PDF tokens and single characters are combined into words.

+ Added “Bulk File Processing” form. You can use it to quickly run multiple PDF files and save the results into Excel or Json/XML.

+ Added IvyOptions class to set global parsing options.


 on: April 12, 2018, 09:24:18 AM 
Started by Antony - Last post by Antony
Dear Ivy team,
Is there a way to specify date/time format for "toDate()" function? It doesn't seem to work for dates in did/mm/yyyy format, only mm/dd/yyyy.

Antony G.

 on: January 27, 2018, 09:26:11 AM 
Started by admin - Last post by admin
We are happy to announce release of IvyPdf 1.4

Changes to IvyTemplateEditor:

+ New UI, resembling Visual Studio style with docking and floating windows.

+ New template explorer improves template management experience. Drag and drop is supported to move, copy and re-order fields, making it easier to manage complicated template scenarios.

+ You can now preview List<T> and IEnumerable objects in the IvyTemplateEditor, so you can use your favorite Linq syntax.

Some API changes:

+ Introducing IvyDocument class, containing all info necessary for parsing.

+ IvyPdf.dll has been split into two parts, with separate IvyDocumentReader. This allows for more flexibility - e.g. you can use only lightweight IvyPdf.dll to work with Ipb files. Also you can use 3rd-party libraries to read PDF files or other file formats into IvyDocument format.

+ All file operations now support byte[] array, which is useful for various caching scenarios or reading files from other APIs (e.g. Amazon S3 or Google Drive).

+ Added a few new DataTable extension methods. E.g. MatchHeader(param string) checks that table header matches expected column names - useful for validation rules or building logic to find the right table out of many.

IvyTools team

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